Tuesday, July 26, 2005

This Is Me Toning It Down

I've come to realize that all my efforts at domesticity seem to result in nothing but calamity.

I decided innocently enough to make a nice pasta salad for dinner last night, considering the heat settled out at 90-plus degrees. This also served as reason why I spent most the evening wandering around in my underwear.

The pasta salad consisted simply of farfelle, grape tomatoes and broccoli, with excessive amounts of olive oil and spices. Clever me, decided it would be the easiest solution to mix the ingredients together by putting them all back in the pot with the lid, and then shaking.

I should know myself better by now.

As expected, the lid slipped from under my thumbs and half the pot of pasta salad went flying. To give you some degree of calamity I had to pull a few pieces from my hair, one from the toaster, and there's still a thin layer of olive oil that won't come up off the floor.

This was also the moment my roommate decided to come home. Realize for one that I hadn't seen either roommate in three days because they never come home early, and then realize as well that this of course was the roommate that had kindly admonished me the previous morning for messing the kitchen.

And then of course picture me covered in pasta salad in my underwear.

I'm also realizing now that instead of writing about dirty adventures with men, my most interesting anecdote involved pasta salad. Hopefully something better will happen tonight...


At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what, no picture?


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