Wetting Myself
Welcome back to all those that have witnessed my long elapse into NYC.
If you've been to visit you'll understand just how easy it is to get lost in the corners of the city.
Normally I would offer up some kind of bullet-pointed synopsis, but honestly too much has happened to even bother. I'll just attempt to begin again from here, and more specifically begin with the story that made me want to return.
Speaking of returning - segue here - Lior the Israeli roommate and I were returning yesterday from a golden weekend in upsate NY traversing the Adirondacks which I thought until last Friday was a social disease. Turns out, it's a bunch of mountains. Quite beautiful really.
Returning to NYC was a feat not only in the excessive and persistent tolls for each damn bridge and toll road, but the unceasing traffic as we entered the area. Having been in the car for several hours and not taking traffic into much consideration I imbibed in much liquid - water, Lipton tea, vitamin water (multivitamin flavor) - and as you might expect, found myself doing the pee-pee dance in the front seat stuck in traffic.
After fifteen minutes, realizing there would be no relief for some time I made the argument there was no need to be shy, so I examined our array of empty bottles. Turns out the opening of vitamin water bottles are rather large. Not that my dick really requires such a large opening, but it made my prospects much simpler.
With little time to spare I whipped out my penis and stuffed it into the bottle. You'd be amazed how quickly one of those things can fill up. You'd also be amazed and the strange positions I had to contort into to try not to spill and yet avoid neighboring cars realizing what I was doing.
As the bottle approached spilling over I luckily began finishing. By inserted my flaccid penis into the bottle, however, I didn't realizing just how much I had been pinching it. When I let go to put my dick back in my pants it took off like a water-willy sprinkler and sprayed much of me and the inside of the car around me. As quickly as I could I grasped for my dick and squeezed it closed until I could get the vitamin water bottle back around it.
When I finally returned home I made quick to change my pants , but not before setting the bottle of vitamin water, still an inviting color (but now warm) on a ledge within arms length of the many kids in the neighborhood.